Preparatory Course for Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education


Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge IGCSE is a subject-based qualification and is the world’s most popular international general certificate of secondary education for 14 to 16-year-old. In the United Kingdom, it is acknowledged as an equivalent to the GCSE for recognising prior academic achievements.

Program Introduction

The Cambridge IGCSE is a two-year program that provides a broad and balanced curriculum across a wide range of subjects. The syllabuses are international in outlook but retain a local relevance. The IGCSE program has been created specifically for an international student body with content to suit a wide variety of schools and avoid cultural bias. The contexts or examples used in syllabuses and exam question papers are culturally sensitive in an international context. Offered since 1951, these qualifications are administered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, a part of the University of Cambridge.


The Cambridge IGCSE aims to foster a well-rounded education that prepares students for their future academic pursuits and equips them with essential skills for success in the modern world. It provides a strong foundation for students to continue their studies at the A-levels, International Baccalaureate (IB), or other advanced-level programs.

Victoria World Academy designed the program Preparatory Course for Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education to prepare students for the Cambridge IGCSE Examination conducted by the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and to provide them with the knowledge and skillset necessary in their pursuit of higher education.

vwa classroom learning image 1

Please click here to view module synopsis

Full Time Students
The course duration is 24 months. Classes will be 5 days a week, 6 hours a day.

Minimum 14 years old

Language Proficiency:
Obtained a pass in English at Singapore Secondary Year 2 level or equivalent in country of origin

Academic Level:
Obtained at least a pass at Singapore Secondary Year 2 education or equivalent in country of origin

  • Low Teacher-Student Ratio (1:25)
  • Classroom Lectures, Tutorials, Discussion, Self-Directed Learning
  • Full Time

Note: Courses are conducted according to the latest syllabuses specified by the Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Internal Assessment

Victoria world academy, each year, there will be a total of 4 internal assessments about Cambridge IGCSE, one at the end of each term.

*If the students take the external Cambridge IGCSE examination during the term, their end-of-term examination can be exempted.

The weighting and grading of the internal assessment will follow the VWA GPA system.

External Assessment

Students will take the Cambridge IGCSE Examinations after completing the Cambridge international education program. Cambridge International will post the examination schedule on its website each year.

For more details, please refer to Cambridge Assessment International Education Official Website,

Examination Result Release Date:

For internal assessment, results are released within one (1) month from the last exam date.

For external assessment, results are released as determined by the Cambridge Assessment International Education.

The school shall award the Certificate of Completion with Pass when the student has met the following requirements:

  • obtain an overall GPA of 1.0 or above;
  • met all financial and administrative obligations to the College;
  • completed at least a 90% attendance rate

On top of meeting all the requirements:

  • If the student has obtained an overall GPA of 2.0 (inclusive) to 3.0 (exclusive), the student will be awarded the Certificate of Completion with Merit.
  • If the student has obtained an overall GPA of 3.0 (inclusive) to 4.0 (exclusive), the student will be awarded the Certificate of Completion with Distinction.
  • If the student has obtained an overall GPA of 4.0 (inclusive) to 5.0 (inclusive), the student will be awarded the Certificate of Completion with Highest Distinction.

Cambridge Assessment International Education will award the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education certificate to successful candidates of the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations.

The three (3) types of fee chargeable by Victoria World Academy are:

  1. Application Fee of Cambridge IGCSE Preparatory Course
    A one-time application fee is non-refundable.
    Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, Fund transfer, Telegraphic Transfer, Cashier’s order.
    Payable to: Victoria World Academy Pte Ltd
  2. Cambridge IGCSE Course Fees
    The Committee for Private Education (CPE) has regulatory provisions and requirements to protect course fees payable by students enrolled in a private education institution (PEI).
    Click here to find out more about CPE fee collection regulatory provisions and requirements. The fee collection schedule is as indicated in the individual student’s contract.
    The course fee of Cambridge international education is refundable and will be subject to Victoria World Academy’s refund policy.
    Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, Fund Transfer, Telegraphic Transfer, Cashier’s order.
    Click here to view Course and Miscellaneous Fee of Cambridge IGCSE.
  3. Miscellaneous Fees
    It is not all items apply to all students.
    Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, Fund Transfer, Telegraphic Transfer, Cashier’s order.
    Note: Miscellaneous fees will not be protected under the Fee Protection Scheme.
    Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, Fund Transfer, Telegraphic Transfer, Cashier’s order.

    Payable to: Victoria World Academy Pte Ltd

    Bank Account Detail:
    Name of Bank: DBS BANK
    Account Number: 106-900-875-1

    Students who wish to register for this course should also visit the Committee for Private Education website for more information about choosing a PEI and advisory note to students.